Cardinal Cheer
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

Paint a magical holiday scene with this classic Christmas bouquet, arranged in a vintage-inspired glass keepsake adorned with a cheerful cardinal. Later, it's a lovely candleholder.

Teleflora's Cardinal Cheer Bouquet features red roses, red carnations, miniature red carnations and cedar arranged with silver lace dusty miller, white pine, lemon leaf and variegated holly. Delivered in Teleflora's Cardinal Cheer Cube. Approximately 14 1/2" W x 14 1/4" H

Teleflora's Cardinal Cheer Bouquet features red roses, red carnations, miniature red carnations and cedar arranged with silver lace dusty miller, white pine, lemon leaf and variegated holly. Delivered in Teleflora's Cardinal Cheer Cube. Approximately 14 1/2" W x 14 1/4" H
SUBSTITUTION POLICY – Always deliver the freshest flowers!Please note the bouquet pictured reflects our original design. If the exact flowers or container in this arrangement are not available, our florists will create a beautiful bouquet with the freshest available flowers.

Cardinal Cheer



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